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Join us for our next meeting!

The public is welcome.



January 2023

Charles A. Shepherd III - Speaker



October, 2021

Brenda Stichter - Speaker - "Painting Abstracts with Purpose"

Allen County Public Library, Downtown, Fort Wayne

Thomas and Dan Woodson from Muncie, IN

May, 2021



April, 2021



March, 2021



February 2021

Avon Waters / speaker

Pastel Demo

January 2021

Gwen Gutwein / speaker

Discussed her project of painting barns in all 92 counties of Indiana and her book.

October 2020

Adam Boyle / speaker

Discussed his art of sculpture


Dianna Porter / speaker   

Portrait Demo in watercolor


Jerri Martin / speaker   

Monoprint Demo


Justin Johnson / November speaker   

Manuscripts and icons


Peter Lupkin / October speaker

 Portrait Demo in oil.


Theoplis Smith III / September speaker

 live painting demo to music, sharing information about his inspiration, his life, and his art.

MAY 2019

Business meeting/ including voting on the updated Bylaws. Then… election of officers!

APRIL 2019

Jina Lauer / ARC Document Solutions  / April speaker

Making prints & giclées and other services

MARCH 2019

Tom DeSomer / Guild member / Demonstration in Watercolor 


Elisa Ellsworth / February speaker 

Owner of Picture This in Print Frame Shop and Wilson Gallery, located at 124 South Main Street, Kendallville, IN. 



Members Show Veiwing Our first meeting of the new year gave us a chance to meet new members and enjoy our Winter show in the lovely Jeffrey Krull Gallery in the downtown library.


Marta Pequignot, owner of Frame Art & Design. Marta discussed how to get the best results from framed art and matting choices. 


Hannah Burnworth, owner of Milk House Studio shared with the members her love of paper collaging and her process of creating them. Hannah loves to create all things paper. Her collage, paintings and paper sculpture celebrate creativity and design, bringing together a love for texture, color, nature and the beauty of everyday life. 

Thank you, Hannah for sharing your love with the members of the guild.


Brian Byrn, "A Curator's Perspective"  

Director and Curator of the Midwest Museum of American Art in Elkhart, Indiana was our speaker at the September meeting, Byrn has served as Curator of Exhibitions & Education at the museum since 1981. 

The focus of this presentation was Brian’s insights on the role of a curator in an important regional museum. It is based on his years of experience as an active artist, educator, and curator. Thank you Brian for speaking to our group.


MAY 2018


"Painting on Silk" Dawn was our presenter at our May meeting and demonstrated her technique in painting on silk.

 The dominant medium base of her artwork is any combination of watercolors, inks, dyes, fluid acrylics, heavy body acrylics and pastels. She believes the beauty of these water based and chalk based materials is in the unpredictability. Dawn says,"I love to observe what happens when paints mingle naturally on paper, canvas or silk."

Thank you Dawn for showing us your fascinating techniques.  

APRIL 2018

GWEN GUTWEIN was our speaker at our April meeting and shared her list of supplies for Plein Air Painting. She also shared her knowledge of painting water and it's mysterious reflections. Questions to ask yourself before starting, one being LOOK "What is really there?  Instead of what I think is there." Gwen teaches private and  semi-private painting classes in her studio in Fort Wayne, IN. Thank you Gwen for spending your evening with us helping us learn how to paint water and its reflections. She can be reached through her email or website.


MARCH 2018

CHARLES SHEPARD III, President, CEO, and Chief Curator of the Fort Wayne Museum of Art presented 

“Contemporary Glass, Beyond Chihuly”. Mr. Shepard shared much of his knowledge of the art world and 

gave a wonderful presentation of how art developed and came to our country from Europe. He spoke about the art of the 60's and Andy Warhol's art journey. Charles also shared some of his his experiences while acquiring some of the art for Fort Wayne and has been President and CEO of the Fort Wayne Museum of Art since 2003. Thanks Charles for all your great stories and spending time with the guild.

FEBRUARY  2018    

TERRI BUCHHOLZ demonstrated her approach to portrait painting in oil for all in attendance. She shared some very helpful hints in colors to use for skin tones, tools she uses in figuring out proportions in the face and how to transfer those proportions to the painting. Terri explained the different planes that form the head and how the light falls on the face. She mentioned some of the mistakes some people make when painting portraits. Terri's model for the evening was member Linda Hall. We want to thank Terri for a most enjoyable and informative program. Thank you Terri and Linda!  


DOUGLAS RUNYAN presented "The Printmakers of  Nashville, Indiana" The term "print" can refer to a copy of a piece of art- or it can describe an original work created to be produced in multiples. In the first half of the 20th Century the historic Brown County Art Colony was home to several nationally recognized artists specializing in prints, including one of America's premier woodcut artists. Doug presented the lives and work of these remarkable Hoosier artists and their art colony through a PowerPoint presentation of historic images. Doug also shared original prints from his collection. Thank you Doug for an outstanding presentation! 


DR. ELIZABETH KUEBLER-WOLF, Associate Professor, Program Director for Art History and Museum Studies at the University of St. Francis, School of Creative Arts.(SOCA) from 2007. Dr.Kuebler-Wolf spoke to us about Abstract Expressionism in a Post WWII movement in American painting. She spoke about Pollock, and Rothko and other artists of the period. It was the first American movement to achieve international influence in New York City.

Challenge to Members: Paint something out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself by changing your usual medium, subject, size or in whatever direction your imagination takes you! Feel free to bring your results with you to the meeting!


JON DETWEILER, University of Saint Francis SOCA graduate demonstrated painting with oil sticks, which are different from oil pastels. He states "By exploiting nature's color, contrast and design, I invite viewers to reconnect emotionally with the place they call home" Jon holds a Master's Degree in Studio Art, enjoys print making and ceramics. He is currently a studio technician at SOCA in Ceramics, Sculpture and Theatrical Set Design.

Thank you Jon for sharing your knowledge with the group.

JUNE 2017

Summer Social, Friday June 16, 2017

Members Only. For Details refer to June newsletter.


President, Barb Yoder and Karen Harvey spoke about their four day adventure with Susan Wenger while at the Urban Sketchers International Symposium in Chicago in July. They offered insights and inspiration for anyone interested in on-location drawing. Thank you Ladies!

APRIL 2017

EJENOBO "JENNA" OKE Associate Professor of Art at Manchester University

As a previous judge of the Aldersgate members' art exhibit, Jenna presented her views regarding what a judge considers in both judge of acceptance and judge of awards. She is currently an Associate Professor of Art at Manchester University. She received her Bachelor of Arts from Manchester University and Masters of Fine Arts from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. Thank you Jenna!

MAY 2017

MATT MCCLURE Executive director of Artlink 

Matt's presentation was on the new vision for Artlink and fielded questions from the members about new activities and programs that he explained were in the works. He explained that there will be an increase of activities in the area of education. It was a very informative meeting.

Thanks Matt for taking time to speak to us.

MARCH 2017                                                                       

NAZAR HARRAN Fort Wayne artist

Nazar demonstrated his concept of abstract painting, focusing on the importance of good composition and design. Nazaar paints in acrylic and oil.  Known for his large paintings he explained his thoughts on wrapped canvases and his experiences with shipping large pieces along with many other interesting topics from his art career.    


JOHN KELTY Member and guild President

John was gracious enough to share with the group his experience and knowledge of "Quick Draw" Painting. This is a process that he has been developing for a few years. A quick draw competition is a timed contest, usually 1 to 2 hours, in which you complete a painting in the allotted time. After the demonstration, he answered questions from members and raffled off his painting to one of our newest members. We were also able to use our new video equipment purchased recently. Thanks John for your presentation.


DR. ESPERANCA CAMARA Associate Professor of Art History at St. Francis

Dr. Camara discussed the Salon des Refuses (or Salon of the Rejected). The famous Salon de Refuses of 1863 was the first gathering of Impressionist artists. The works were rejected by the official Paris Salon. So too, there may be some great works among those rejected by the Venture judges. We will hold our own Salon des Refuses from prior Venture exhibits at the February meeting.


Douglas Runyan, Longtime guild member took the group through a lesson on how to paint snow! 


Town Hall style meeting where we discussed the future of FWAG and the officer positions that will be opening this year.



Member Show and Tell, Members brought a new piece of work to discuss with the group. This was an excellent opportunity for peer critique and member support!


MAY 2016

Douglas Runyan, Fort Wayne Artist Guild member discussed composition using numerous mediums.  


MARCH 2016

Nazar Harran demonstrated arranging and painting a still life.



Rick Cartwright, Dean of School of Creative Arts (SOCA), at the University of St. Francis, Topic:"Creating depth of space, multiple planes or depth of field. He also discussed educational opportunities for FWAG members at SOCA.



Andrea Bojrab, 2015 Best of Show winner at Ventures in Creativity gave a demonstration of her color mixing technique and the importance of color temperature. 



Heather Houser, award winning artist (



Terri Buchholz & Alexandra Hall spoke about an on-line presence for artists.



Diana Fair gave a pastel demonstration!              


MAY 2015

Andrea Kruse and other New Harmony discussed their experience at the New Harmony Workshop.


APRIL 2015

Pat Delagrange, Artist & Founder of Busy Brush Gallery


MARCH 2015

Dan Swartz, Founder and Curator at Wunderkammer Company


Brittany Bellam, Logo Design Contest Winner



Alexandra Hall, Member & FWAG Social Media & Website Chair



Amber Foster, Executive Director of Artlink Gallery


© 2025 Fort Wayne Artists Guild, Inc. | All Rights Reserved | Artists Retain All Rights to Images

P.O. Box 13437 Fort Wayne, IN 46869-3437

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The Fort Wayne Artists Guild is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization formed to promote interest in the fine arts, to further members’ artistic knowledge, and to encourage

fellowship among members of the Guild and the arts community at large.

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